
  • 术语

    • 角色 - A group of users (aka participants) that have been assigned to a workflow. The role determines what work items each participant will see in their worklist.
    • 主要参与者(s) - Faculty or staff that have been assigned to a role via their NetID credentials.
    • 代理参与者(年代)- A Proxy is a participant who performs work on behalf of (Primary) participant.
    • 头评论家 - A 头评论家 is the participant that is responsible for submitting/completing a work item on behalf of the role. 例如, there may be five participants in a role who will review the work item, but only one will be responsible for submitting/completing the item.
    • 工作列表中 - A list of work items that require action.
    • 工作项 - A document assigned to a role or participant that requires action.
    • 就绪状态 - Work items with this 状态 are available for action by you or someone in your role
    • 执行状态 - Work items with this 状态 are reserved, meaning that someone has begun work on the item and is checked out by that participant. It will remain in this 状态 until it is released or submitted/completed.
  • 概念


    横幅工作流 automates common business processes that requires multiple participants to view, 评论, 推荐, and/or submit an approve action as part of the process.

    • Participants in a workflow must log in to 横幅工作流 using their NetID username and password.
    • Once logged in, participants will be presented with their worklist, which is based on their role
    • Each role can be associated with one or more participants, who will all see the same work items associated with that role, in their worklist when the work item is in the 准备好了 状态.
    • Only one participant at a time can open an individual work item and only one participant in the role can take the necessary actions on a work item.
  • 登录

    Anyone with a 横幅工作流 account can log in to 横幅工作流.
    1. Log in to 横幅工作流 via the 横幅启动页面,点击 工作流(ApplyEMU) link.
    2. 单击 工作列表中 link. A list of applications that require action is displayed.
  • 检查工作项


    The worklist contains a list of work items. If a work item is displayed in your worklist, then some action is required by you or someone in your role.

    1. 单击 desired work item link from the list. The item contents are displayed.

      注意: Only one participant can open a work item at-a-time. When you select a work item to review, you automatically reserve it. The work item will remain in your reserved queue until you complete the tem or release it. To see what work items you currently have reserved, click the 显示保留项目 from the lower left corner of your worklist.

    2. 检查打开的工作项.
    3. If you are not done reviewing the item and want to come back at a later time, click the 保存 & 关闭 button to save your changes so that you can return to finish review of the work item at a later date.

    注意: Until you release or submit/complete a work item the item cannot be viewed or acted upon by anyone else. 看到 发布作品 项目或 Submit/完整的 a 工作项 了解更多信息.

  • 释放工作项

    When you select a work item to review, you automatically reserve it. The work item will remain in your reserved queue until you complete the item or release it.
    1. 单击 显示保留项目 from the lower left corner of your worklist to view a list of reserved items.
    2. 单击 magnifying glass associated with the item you want to release.
    3. 单击 释放 button at the bottom of the list to release the tem for the next reviewer.
  • Submitting/Completing a 工作项


    When you are finished reviewing the work item and you are the head reviewer in your role, click the 完整的 button to send the ;item to the next role for action.

    1. 单击 完整的 button to send the item to the next role for action.
