

我明白,当我注册澳门最正规网网站登录的任何课程或接受澳门最正规网网站登录的任何服务时,我接受支付所有学费的全部责任, 费用 and other associated costs assessed as a result of my registration and/or receipt of services. 我进一步理解并同意,我的注册和接受这些条款构成本票协议(I.e., a financial obligation in the form of an educational loan as defined by the U.S. 破产法在美国11.S.C. §523(a)(8)) in which 澳门最正规网网站登录 is providing me educational services, deferring some or all of my payment obligation for those services, 我保证支付所有的学费, 费用 and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date.)

I understand and agree that if I drop or withdraw from some or all of the classes for which I register, I will be responsible for paying all or a portion of tuition and 费用 in accordance with the 出版日期和截止日期. 我已阅读公布的学费退款时间表的条款和条件,并明白这些条款是通过参考纳入本表格的. 我进一步明白,我未能上课或收到账单并不免除我的经济责任,如上所述.

如果我不打算参加,我能理解, 退课是我的责任,因为澳门最正规网网站登录不会自动撤销我的注册.



我理解并同意,如果我未能在预定的到期日之前支付我的学生账户账单或任何到期的款项和欠澳门最正规网网站登录的款项, 澳门最正规网网站登录 will place a financial hold on my student account, 阻止我注册以后的课程, 请求记录, 或者拿到文凭.


我理解并同意,如果我未能在预定的到期日之前支付我的学生账户账单或任何到期的款项和欠澳门最正规网网站登录的款项, 澳门最正规网网站登录将按照董事会批准的费率,对我的学生账户逾期部分的逾期付款和/或财务费用进行评估,直到我的逾期账户全部付清. 


我理解并接受如果我不能在预定的到期日之前支付我的学生账户账单或任何到期的款项和欠澳门最正规网网站登录的款项, and fail to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring my account current, 澳门最正规网网站登录可能会将我的拖欠账户转到催收机构和/或报告给国家信用报告机构. 我进一步理解,如果澳门最正规网网站登录将我的学生账户余额转给第三方收取, a collection fee will be assessed and will be due in full at the time of the referral to the third party. The collection fee will be calculated at the maximum amount permitted by applicable law, 但不能超过33.未偿金额的33%. For purposes of this provision, the third party may be a debt collection company or an attorney. If a lawsuit is filed to recover an outstanding balance, 我还将负责与诉讼相关的任何费用/费用,例如法庭费用/费用或其他适用的费用/费用. I understand that my delinquent account including but not limited to tuition, 费用, 书, 罚款, 房间, and meals may be reported to one or more national credit bureaus by EMU or the collections agency it uses. 本人明白,EMU将使用本人的社会安全号码作内部/外部信用报告及收取有关帐户的所有费用之用.



I understand and agree that 澳门最正规网网站登录 uses e-mail as an official method of communication with me, and that therefore I am responsible for reading the e-mails I receive from 澳门最正规网网站登录 on a timely basis.


我知道澳门最正规网网站登录及其代理商和承包商将通过我现在和将来的手机号码与我联系。, email address(es) or wireless device(s) regarding my delinquent student account(s)/loan(s), 我欠澳门最正规网网站登录的其他债务, or to receive general information from 澳门最正规网网站登录. I authorize 澳门最正规网网站登录 and its agents and contractors to use automated telephone dialing equipment, 人工的或预先录制的声音或文字信息, 私人电话和电子邮件, 在他们努力联系我的时候. 此外, 我明白,我可以通过向财务总监办公室提交填妥并签署的请求(插入链接)来撤回我使用自动电话拨号设备拨打我的移动电话的同意.


我理解并同意,我有责任保持澳门最正规网网站登录的记录与我目前的实际地址保持一致, 电子邮件地址, 和电话号码.emich tab where you can make address changes online by logging into your my.emich帐户, 点击“学生”标签,然后点击“个人信息”标签,选择“更新地址和电话”或访问服务EMU位置. Upon leaving 澳门最正规网网站登录 for any reason, 我有责任向澳门最正规网网站登录提供最新的联系信息,以便就任何到期和欠澳门最正规网网站登录的款项以及其他信息进行持续沟通.


I understand that aid described as “estimated” on my 金融援助 Award does not represent actual or guaranteed payment, but is an estimate of the aid I may receive if I meet all requirements stipulated by that aid program.

我明白,我的经济援助奖取决于我继续注册和出席每个班级,我的经济援助资格是根据这些班级计算的. If I drop or withdraw from any class before completion, 我明白我的经济援助资格可能会降低,我获得的部分或全部经济援助可能会被撤销.

If some or all of my financial aid is revoked because I dropped or withdrew from classes, 失败的, 或者不去上课, 我同意偿还所有已支付到我的账户并导致信用余额退还给我的被撤销的援助.

我明白,我收到的经济援助将用于支付我在澳门最正规网网站登录账户上的所有费用,如学费, 费用, 校园住宿和膳食计划, 学生健康保险, 服务费用, 罚款, 或者其他数量, 按照援助计划的条款.


I understand that any federal Title IV financial aid that I receive, 除了联邦勤工俭学工资, will first be applied to any outstanding balance on my account for tuition, 费用, 食宿. Title IV financial aid includes aid from the Pell Grant, 补充教育机会补助金(SEOG), 直接贷款, 加上贷款, 帕金斯贷款, 和TEACH资助项目. 奖品、奖项、奖学金、助学金: 我明白所有奖品, 奖, 澳门最正规网网站登录授予我的奖学金和助学金将记入我的学生账户,并用于任何未偿还的余额. 我进一步了解,我收到的奖品, 奖, scholarship or grant is considered a financial resource according to federal Title IV financial aid regulations, and may therefore reduce my eligibility for other federal and/or state financial aid (i.e., 贷款, 奖助金, 联邦工作研究), 如果已经支付到我的学生账户, 必须逆转并返回援助来源吗.


I understand that 澳门最正规网网站登录 uses electronic billing (ebill) as its official billing method, and therefore I am responsible for viewing and paying my student account ebill by the scheduled due date. I further understand that failure to review my ebill does not constitute a valid reason for not paying my bill on time. 得到 Ebill信息.


我理解行政管理, 文书或技术账单错误不能免除我支付正确金额学费的经济责任, 费用 and other associated financial obligations assessed as a result of my registration at 澳门最正规网网站登录.


If a payment made to my student account is returned by the bank for any reason, I agree to repay the original amount of the payment plus a returned payment fee at the Board approved rate. I understand that multiple returned payments will subject me to the terms and conditions of the EMU 退票政策. 未能遵守我与澳门最正规网网站登录签署的任何付款计划或协议的条款可能导致我的课程被取消和/或暂停我在澳门最正规网网站登录注册未来课程的资格.


If I decide to change my registration at 澳门最正规网网站登录, I will follow 这些指令 which I understand and agree are incorporated herein by reference.


I understand that 澳门最正规网网站登录 is bound by the 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) 在没有我的书面许可的情况下,澳门最正规网网站登录发布我的教育记录信息的限制是什么. I understand I may provide EMU with  permission to share information from my education record with someone else but, 我必须提供以下书面许可 这个过程. I further understand that I may revoke my permission at any time as instructed in the same procedure.


我理解并同意,如果我在签署本协议时还没有达到法定成年年龄,那么澳门最正规网网站登录提供的教育服务是必要的, and I am contractually obligated pursuant to the “doctrine of necessaries.”



上述协议, 整体而言, 取代所有先前的理解, 表示, negotiations and correspondence between the student and 澳门最正规网网站登录, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters described, and shall not be modified or affected by any course of dealing or course of performance.  This agreement may be modified by 澳门最正规网网站登录 if the modification is signed by me. Any modification is specifically limited to those policies and/or terms addressed in the modification.

本协议在所有方面均受密歇根州法律管辖,不考虑大学正在进行的业务所需的法律选择原则的任何冲突.   I hereby submit to personal jurisdiction in the State of Michigan.
