

The University has a responsibility to both ResNet users and the greater internet community to protect them from each other. These rules are meant to help educate, inform, and provide a basis for good Net-etiquette. They are meant to help foster a friendly, safe, and clean network environment for ResNet users. 这些规则不是可选的,也不是可协商的.

I.T. 可接受使用政策

连接到ResNet的居民同意遵守 I.T.的可接受使用政策.



  • 访问ResNet是一种特权,而不是权利.

    Rules are in place to ensure quality of and access to ResNet for all residents. Abuse of this privilege can and will result in loss of access to the ResNet service.
  • Computers connected to ResNet must have antivirus software installed.


    Network attacks and email attachments are just a couple of ways that viruses can enter your computer. ResNet提供了一个很好的连接, but it also provides an avenue for viruses to reach your computer. EMU provides as much protection as possible; but, 为了帮助, 必须安装防病毒软件. If you do not have any installed on your computer, please see the antivirus information page.

    除了安装软件之外, you must routinely or automatically apply 更新 to keep the software current.

  • 连接到ResNet的计算机必须保持最新.


    Keeping your computer up-to-date with a current operating system and software patches, 更新, and fixes is critical to maintaining a safe computer environment. Viruses and hackers very often exploit known bugs in operating systems to gain access. 给你的电脑打补丁.g. Windows Update), you close many potential avenues for infection or attack.

    We recommend that you set your operating system 更新 to happen automatically. 如果您在这方面需要帮助,请拨打服务台734.487.2120求助.

  • 网络上不允许任何类型的服务器.


    Servers open security holes in your computer which allow attackers to gain access to your computer. 他们也可能提供您不知道的文件.  如果你有学术需要在你的电脑上运行服务器, you will need to have your professor send a signed letter on departmental letterhead confirming the type of server to be run, 项目的持续时间, and the academic reason for the project to Network Engineering, 资讯科技部, 哈勒图书馆. 如果您对此有任何疑问,请联系我.T. 安全 (电子邮件保护).

    服务器的具体例子有:web服务器(Apache, Windows个人Web服务器, 等), FTP服务器(Serv-U, WS-FTPD, 等), 文件共享服务器, 和其他人.

  • Peer 2 ResNet上的对等软件


    共享受版权保护的文件是非法的. Students subject to repeated copyright infringement allegations are referred to Office of Wellness and Community Responsibility 纪律处分. File sharing applications are disabled on EMU networks by default. Students that wish to use peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing applications must “opt-in” to use technologies on the EMU WiFi network.

    P2P technologies (such as BitTorrent) have value for some legitimate uses. 然而, these technologies are also frequently abused to illegally share copyrighted materials including films, 音乐和教科书. 在某些情况下, this results in legal copyright infringement claims (called DMCA violations) against EMU users, 包括诉讼和罚款. Torrents are also occasionally infected with viruses and other malware.

    EMU fully supports the right to use these tools for legitimate purposes. EMU will help students, faculty and staff that need to use the technology to "Opt-In". This opt-in process is intended to ensure that those using the technology fully understand their obligations and risks associated with P2P technologies. Those that opt-in will be able to use torrent software on the EMU wireless network when authenticated using their NetID.

    选择加入 提交服务台求助单.

    Please note: Students that receive a copyright infringement allegation forfeit the privilege to opt-in to this service.

  • 不允许使用不安全的无线接入点.


    无线技术正变得普及和廉价. 然而, 当无线接入点已安装但未固定时, 它变成了所有者的责任. Many access points are designed to act as a router for wireless traffic. 这意味着它们都有与路由器相同的问题.

    Additionally, wireless signals can be picked up in common areas (such as a parking lot). If not properly secured, this signal can then be used by anyone. This means that the person who registered the access point is now responsible for anything the person in the parking lot does using the router.

  • 任何系统都不允许使用静态ip.

    没有理由在ResNet上有一个静态IP. The ResNet system monitors IP addresses and assigns them as needed.
  • 任何形式的网络攻击都不会被容忍.


    Network attacks are serious concerns to EMU and should be of serious concern to the student involved. Examples of network abuse include port scans, spam emails, denial of service attacks, etc. Malicious network attacks can result in expulsion from the University and even criminal charges.

    Compromised computers can perform network attacks without the knowledge of the owner. 这就是打补丁和杀毒软件如此重要的原因. Infected computers that perform network attacks are the responsibility of the owners even if they did not have knowledge of the attack.


Violation of the ResNet rules may result in being disconnected from ResNet (temporarily or permanently) and/or referral to 健康和社区责任办公室(OWCR) 纪律处分. 人权专员办事处的转介可能导致正式的谴责, 缓刑, 悬架, 或开除学籍. 取决于违规的性质, 你也可能会被起诉, 状态, 或者联邦法律.

如果发生超出本规则范围的事件, EMU will investigate their impact and will proceed appropriately. If you have any questions about these rules and would like clarification, please contact I.T. 安全 (电子邮件保护).


作为在ResNet上注册设备的人, you accept the above rules and recognize that should you break the rules you will be held responsible.

作为设备的所有者, you are responsible for any and all traffic coming from the device, 不管你是否意识到. 这包括, 但不限于, 病毒导致的非法流量, 由受损设备引起的流量, 以及由路由器或无线接入点引起的流量. Should someone knowingly or unknowingly gain access to ResNet through your device and break the rules, you as the registered owner of the device are still held responsible. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to be sure that your computer and/or other devices attached to the network do not violate ResNet rules or the I.T. 可接受使用政策.
