
四月是美国的性侵犯意识月. 人们利用这个时间来提高人们对性暴力的认识, 如何防止它的发生, 以及如何支持那些经历过性暴力的人.  它有着悠久的基层历史, 女权主义运动, 它已经发展到包括为任何可能经历或目睹这类伤害的人提供支持.


Part of the mission of EMU’s 预防不当性行为 and 响应办公室 (formerly Title IX Office) is to respond, address, 防止性暴力的影响. 在这个使命中,澳门官网正规网站登录提供继续教育, 提高认识, 重点关注性暴力的普遍性以及它对澳门官网正规网站登录大学社区的影响. The 预防不当性行为 and 响应办公室 is proud to recognize and participate in Sexual Assault Awareness Month each April, 类似的努力贯穿全年.

资源 & 信息

  • 性侵犯意识月的历史 & 时间轴 展开下拉

    2018: Dr. 福特, 一位来自加州的大学教授, 当宣布布雷特·卡瓦诺大法官将被提名为美国最高法院大法官时.S. 最高法院. 她谈到了他们在高中时卡瓦诺的性侵犯未遂. 

    2017: 女性大游行于2017年1月21日举行,是对2016年总统选举的回应. 

    2017: In 2017, former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar was convicted on seven counts of criminal sexual conduct for sexually abusing over 150 girls he was supposed to be treating. 在量刑听证会上, 200多名从他的虐待中幸存下来的女性大声朗读了她们的受害者影响陈述.

    2016: 艾米莉·多伊的受害人影响陈述在网上疯传. 多伊的声明生动地表达了无数其他幸存者的经历. 三年后, in 2019, the 作者 of the statement revealed that her name was 香奈儿米勒 when she published a memoir called Know My Name expounding on the assault, 法庭案件, 以及随后的关注.

    2014: 在奥巴马总统治下, the White House formed a task force to create trainings and share guidance around preventing 性侵犯 on college campuses.

    2013: The re作者ization of the Violence Against Women Act in 2013 included expansions to address gaps in services for victims of 性侵犯 on Native American reservations. The 2013 VAWA renewal also included updated protections for immigrant women and anti-discrimination provisions to protect LGBT victims from being denied access to services.

    2011: The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights "Dear Colleague" letter provided guidance to all federally funded institution of higher education to take steps to end sexual harassment and sexual violence on their campuses.

    2010: SAAM活动成为双语,并提供英语和西班牙语的宣传材料.

    2009: 美国总统奥巴马宣布4月为性侵犯宣传月.

    2009: 马修·谢泼德和小詹姆斯·伯德.仇恨犯罪预防法案签署成为法律. 以马修·谢泼德命名, 1998年被殴打致死的同性恋大学生, 还有小詹姆斯·伯德., 一名黑人男子同年被三名白人至上主义者杀害, 该法案将仇恨犯罪扩大到包括受害者实际性别或感知性别引发的犯罪, 性取向, 性别认同, 或残疾.

    2006: 活动家、社区组织者和倡导者塔拉纳·伯克创造了“我也是”这个词. She began using the phrase “Me Too” in 2006 to 提高认识 about the prevalence of sexual abuse and assault, particularly for Black women and girls while working at a nonprofit she founded focused on the well-being of young women of color.

    2005: NSVRC将性侵犯意识转变为预防性暴力.

    2005: 重新批准《澳门官网正规网站登录》.

    2001: NSVRC举办了第一次全国公认的性侵犯意识运动.

    2000: 国家性暴力资源中心(NSVRC)成立.

    1999: 第一届洛杉矶牛仔日活动于1999年4月举行,此后每年都举行. The campaign began after a ruling by the Italian 最高法院 where a rape conviction was overturned because the justices felt that since the victim was wearing tight jeans she must have helped the person who raped her remove her jeans, 从而暗示同意. 第二天, 意大利议会的女议员们穿着牛仔裤来上班,声援受害者.

    1993: 签署了《澳门官网正规网站登录》. 《澳门官网正规网站登录》要求执法部门将性别暴力视为犯罪. 它还为性暴力幸存者及其子女提供更多保护.

    1991: 安妮塔希尔, 一个律师, brought claims of sexual harassment against Justice Clarence Thomas before his confirmation to the 最高法院.

    1978: 第一场“夺回夜晚”活动在旧金山举行.

    1976: 全国开设了400多个强奸危机中心.

    1971: 湾区反强奸妇女组织在旧金山建立了第一个强奸危机中心.

    1971: 纽约激进女权主义者举办了第一次性侵犯意识发声活动.

    1940-1950s: 积极分子开始获得大众对性侵犯意识的关注. Many of the leaders in the 性侵犯 awareness movement were also activists in the Civil Rights movement. 当时最著名的性侵犯活动人士之一是罗莎·帕克斯, who worked with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to address race and gender and sexual violence.

    1900s: 开始显著的基层性侵犯意识和预防工作.

  • 反对性暴力运动的积极分子和领导人 展开下拉

    Many leaders in the 性侵犯 awareness and prevention movement were and are Black women and women of color.

    佩吉鸟 (Kewa), 达琳科雷亚 (拉古纳普韦布洛)和 Genne詹姆斯 (纳瓦霍语), “organized the 制止暴力侵害土著妇女联盟 (CSVANW) in 1996 to provide support to other Native advocates working in domestic violence, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 新墨西哥州部落社区的跟踪和性交易.”

    Tarana伯克:“以#MeToo运动最初创始人而闻名的民权活动家, 她在2006年开始的. The movement became a global phenomenon in 2017 when thousands of women shared their experiences of sexual harassment and 性侵犯 on social media.”

    查克基督教第一个前密歇根足球运动员告诉公众,安德森, 他于1968年至2003年在密歇根大学工作,并于2008年去世, 虐待过他.”

    ValorUS的Sandra Henriquez“(她)有几十年在加州帮助幸存者的经验. She currently leads ValorUS (formerly known as the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault or CALCASA), which is a coalition of 32 rape crisis centers that has played a critical role in shaping national policy around response to gender-based and sexual violence. 在加入ValorUS之前, Henriquez共同创立了RALIANCE, the national partnership to end sexual violence and also served as executive director for Peace Over Violence, 哪个组织致力于结束家庭暴力和性暴力.”

    安妮塔希尔一名律师、活动家和教育家指控一名美国女大学生性骚扰.S. 最高法院大法官克拉伦斯·托马斯. 希尔继续在种族、性别和性暴力的交叉点上进行教育和写作.”

    杰克逊卡茨:“暴力预防导师(MVP)的联合创始人, one of the longest-running and most widely influential gender violence prevention programs in North America, 这是体育文化和军事领域的第一个重大项目.”


    香奈儿米勒作家和艺术家. 她的回忆录《澳门官网正规网站登录》改变了澳门官网正规网站登录对性侵犯的看法, 挑战澳门官网正规网站登录关于什么是可接受的信念,对混乱的治疗现实说真话.”

    丽贝卡·纳格尔美国活动家、作家和演说家. 她是切罗基族的公民. 内格尔是“强迫:颠覆强奸文化”的创始人之一, 一个由艺术家和活动家领导的组织,他们试图促进一种同意的文化.”

    阿曼达阮:非政府民权组织Rise的首席执行官、总裁和创始人. Its mission is to work with state legislatures and the US Congress to pass protection laws for victims of 性侵犯.”

    安德里亚·皮诺一个同性恋民权活动家, 作者, 也是一位倡导结束大学校园性别暴力的学者. 第九条倡导组织“结束校园强奸”的创始人之一.”

    Slyvia里维拉和玛莎一起. 约翰逊, Sylvia Rivera led what would become the Stonewall Inn Riots and is credited for sparking the LGBTQ+ civil rights movement. 儿童性虐待的幸存者, 里维拉也是同性恋活动家联盟和同性恋解放阵线的成员. 她还开设了STAR,为无家可归的变性青年提供庇护. Rivera remains a pivotal example of how intersectionality must be applied to activism in order to reduce social inequities.” 

    Bamby Salcedo“一个移民活动家, 作家, 翻译拉丁@联盟(TLC)主席, 这是一个总部位于加州的组织,其使命是为跨性别女性倡导更好的生活质量.”

    Thresa史蒂文斯是一个梅诺米尼人, 与密尔沃基的土著男女一起工作,他们成为暴力的受害者并遭受创伤. As the Native American Advocate for Women and Children at Healing Intergenerational Roots (HIR) Wellness Institute, 她帮助人们寻找资源, 把他们带到安全的地方, 如果他们想要, 她把他们联系到HIR健康中心的咨询师.”

    艾玛Sulkowicz她以2014年的床垫表演而闻名, in which she carried a mattress around Columbia University to represent the uphill battle survivors face when they report their assault.”

    乔恩·沃恩: “[A] former University of Michigan football player who is leading the fight for thousands of survivors of sexual abuse suffered at the hands of Dr. 罗伯特·安德森在近四十年的时间里. He engaged in 100 days of live-in protest on the Ann Arbor campus — forcing a bright light to be shone on a dark issue plaguing multiple universities across the country. 电影制片人和乔恩一起度过了第62天的抗议, 捕捉到一个关于韧性的非凡故事, 勇敢和希望.”

    Wagatwe Wanjuki一个女权主义者, 演讲者, 作家, 她是一名数字战略家,最出名的是她作为全国校园反暴力倡导者的工作. 自2009年在塔夫茨大学发起一项更好的性侵犯政策运动以来, 她继续为一个没有性别暴力的世界而努力.”

    拉奎尔威利斯他是性别、种族和交叉性方面的思想领袖. 她在网络出版方面很有经验, 为社会变革组织边缘化社区, non-profit media strategy and public speaking while using digital activism as a major tool of resistance and liberation…she developed Black Trans Circles, TLC的一个项目, focused on developing the leadership of Black trans women in the South and Midwest by creating healing justice spaces to work through oppression-based trauma and incubating community organizing efforts to address anti-trans murder and violence.

  • 来源  展开下拉
